About Me

A picuture of Jacob Wilson

Jacob Wilson
(757) 434-1748
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Hi, I recently graduated from Virginia Wesleyan University with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Communications. Throughout my time at university, I actively engaged in various extracurricular activities, enhancing my overall college experience.

One of my notable involvements was serving on the executive boards for Spectrum and Movie Crew. As a member of Spectrum, an organization dedicated to advocating for and supporting the LGBTQ+ community, I contributed to organizing events and activities that fostered inclusivity on campus. Additionally, my role in Movie Crew allowed me to coordinate and host movie events, bringing the Virginia Wesleyan community together for entertaining experiences. These experiences as part of the executive boards enhanced my leadership and teamwork skills, which will prove invaluable as I progress in my career.

My passion lies in utilizing technology to solve problems and improve communication. This passion is evident in my choice of major and minor. Outside of my academic pursuits, I constantly explore the latest advancements in technology and enjoy tinkering with gadgets, further fueling my interest in the field.

As I embark on this new chapter after graduation, I am filled with excitement about the opportunities that await me. I am eager to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained to pursue a career in the tech industry and make a meaningful impact through my work.


My Skills















Linux OS

Windows OS

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft Excel

Classes Taken

Course Number Class Name Grade
EES 131 Physical Geology with Laboratory C
ENG 131 The Art of Comic Books C-
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I B-
WES 100 Tech & Socety in Science Fiction Film B+
HIST 262 Seminar in the History of European Cities B
ART 208 Photography I B-
COMM 101 Introduction to Media Studies B-
CS 110 Introduction to Programming with Visual BASIC A
ENG 105 The Art of Writing A-
COMM 250 Introductory Filmmaking A-
CS 112 Computer Programming I A
JOUR 201 Writing for the Mass Media A
MATH 135 Calculus with Precalculus, Part I A-
COMM 350 Advanced Filmmaking A-
CS 212 Computer Programming II A
MATH 136 Calculus with Precalculus, Part II B+
WES 200 American Myths B
COMM 328 Public Relations A
COMM 326 Persuasion and the Media A
CS 310 Introduction to Computer Systems A
LATN 111 Beginning Latin I A
MATH 172 Calculus II C+
MATH 210 Introductory Statistics A
CS 205 Foundations of Logic and Proof C-
CS 389 Online Database PHP/MySQL A
CS 401 Principles of Cybersecurity B
LATN 112 Beginning Latin II B
PHYS 221 University Physics I C
WES 300 The Power of Horroe\ B-
MATH 217 Linear Algebra B
LATN 213 Intermediate Latin B+
CS 311 Data Structures B-
CS 440 Operating Systems A-
CS 489 Research in Computer Science A
CS 201 Intro to 3D Modeling/Printing A
COMM 221 Understanding Film B+
A pie chart of my grade distribution


An Image of The Store of Knowledge Site
The Store of Knowledge

This is an Online Bookstore with a user-friendly interface that lets users buy and review books. Users can browse a wide range of genres, add books to their cart, and checkout through Amazon. They can leave reviews and ratings on the website, and the platform uses modern web technologies for responsiveness, security, and scalability.

Click Here Github
Register and Login Node JS

This is a nodejs application that is connected to mongodb for user authentication.

Click Here Github
freeCodeCamp Survey Form
freeCodeCamp Survey Form

A project born from FreeCodeCamp's certification curriculum. Harness the power of HTML and CSS to craft a compelling user interface. Interactive elements like text inputs, drop-down lists, and radio buttons abound. Completed, this project manifests as a fully functioning, web-ready survey form.

Click Here
freeCodeCamp Tribute Page
freeCodeCamp Tribute Page

An homage to Rosa Parks emerges from FreeCodeCamp's certification program. Employ HTML and CSS to design an elegant tribute page. Utilize text blocks, images, and timelines to narrate her life story. Upon completion, this project reveals a web-accessible platform, honoring Rosa Parks' enduring legacy.

Click Here
Card title

This is a longer card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.